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NCHC Unveils

NCHC Unveils

New Substance Use Disorder Website

On June 1st, the North Country Health Consortium (NCHC) will unveil, a website to connect Northern NH residents touched by substance use disorder to local resources.

Funded by a federal grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the website was designed to provide information on Prevention, Education, Treatment, Recovery, and Assistance (PETRA). PETRA will help North Country communities address needs around the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) crisis. 


Information on the website spans a broad range of topics, including treatment and recovery options, connections to daily basic needs, prevention programing in schools, professional trainings, and resources for providers to share with their patients.  

“We all have a role to play in curbing Substance Use Disorder in our communities,” said Becky McEnany, Interim CEO of NCHC. “The AskPETRA website was created to provide access to resources for individuals and professionals, ensuring that anyone looking for help can receive it.” 

The website will run in conjunction with NCHC’s recently launched AskPETRA helpline. While the website gives 24/7 access to these resources, the helpline provides an added level of support by connecting callers to trained Community Health Workers/Recovery Coaches. They can provide additional guidance and support to navigate available resources.

Open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am -4:30 pm, the helpline can be reached by phone: (603)259-1729 or email: During off-hours, callers can leave a message and a Community Health Worker will respond during regular operating hours.  

About NCHC

The North Country Health Consortium (NCHC) is a non-profit public health organization based in Littleton. They collaborate with health and human services providers serving Northern New Hampshire.

Checkout the new AskPETRA website at For more information about AskPETRA, contact the Program Manager, Annette Carbonneau: or (603)259-3700 x221. Learn more about NCHC by visiting

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