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Littleton Budget Meeting 11-21-17

Littleton Budget Meeting 11-21-17

Local Landing strip reviews options

The Littleton Budget committee sat with Dave Ernsberger Tuesday, November 21st to talk about the White Mountain Regional Airport. Dave is the Littleton member for the Regional Airport’s commission. The commission consists of 8 individuals that represent five different towns in the area. Each town shares a proportionate cost of $1.45 per citizen to operate the Airport. He presented many of the positive economic advantages that having a local regional airport provides. Individuals fly into the area, and then travel to Littleton to shop and eat. However, even with the economic advantages, the Airport still meets financial stressors.

The commission has been working on infrastructure changes to help generate revenue. Camera systems are now in operation to help monitor the take off and landing of planes. A tracking system is in place to monitor the tail numbers of each plane that lands. Through a system they can manually reach out to the registered ower and send out a bill for the landing fees. Fuel is now available there at a competitive price. However, additional efforts are still needed so the airport can continue to be self-supporting. Because of the economic struggles, the commission recently started an outreach program. Speaking with Jefferson, Twin Mountain, and Bethlehem, they will also look to local resorts to help with costs. Dave states that He “Look(s) at the airport for economic development as a real game changer… there is a growing opportunity for Littleton”

Police Department funding

The Littleton Police Department also presented information. Chief Paul Smith spoke for the Littleton Police Department about some technical budget items for the department. He spoke of computer system upgrades and camera system upgrades for wireless downloading of footage from their patrol cars. Chief discussed the current drug epidemic the officers are faced with and because of this, there is additional work to be handled.

The entire budget meeting is available below: